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Why and How We’re Leaning into Racial Equity

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At the Delaware Community Foundation, we believe communities are strongest when all people have the opportunity to thrive.

Unfortunately, it’s no secret that many people of color are experiencing extreme barriers and challenges at this moment in our history.

DCF President & CEO Stuart Comstock-Gay

When those challenges prevent our Black and brown neighbors from thriving, it undermines the success of our entire community.

The DCF is committed to addressing this — by building opportunity and advancing equity for all people in all three Delaware counties — regardless of race, gender, ZIP code and other factors outside individual control.

To ensure that all communities in Delaware have the opportunity thrive, the DCF board and staff have ramped up our efforts over the last four years to help address the unique needs of communities of color in Delaware.

What has that targeted effort to advance racial equity looked like?

With guidance from our board of directors and a group of local leaders, we established four key strategies to maximize the impact of what we do best as your community foundation…

Read the entire article, originally posted in DelawareOnline / The News Journal, about the DCF’s strategies and ways we’re leaning into racial equity.