Values Inclusion

Who We Are

The Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) is a nonprofit organization focused on partnering with donors
to build opportunity and advance equity in Delaware.

Our mission is to strengthen Delaware by maximizing community-based philanthropy.

Our vision is a Delaware where
generosity expands opportunities for all.

Our values underpin and inform all of our work:


Serve with Joy


Lead with Integrity

Values Excellence


Pursue Excellence

Values Inclusion


Engage Inclusively

Values Excellence

What We Do

In pursuit of our mission, we follow three key strategies:

Helping Donors

Helping Donors

We help donors give with joy and confidence! To help our donors achieve their unique charitable goals, we work one-on-one with individuals and businesses, exploring the issues they care about and opportunities to make a difference through grants and scholarships. By combining financial and philanthropic expertise and community knowledge, we help donors maximize the dollars they can give and the power those dollars have in the community.

Making Grants

Making Grants

In addition to partnering with donors, the DCF serves our community through direct grantmaking from our Delaware Forever Fund. Selected by a statewide committee composed of community leaders, grants from the Forever Fund target the state’s most pressing needs and fortify our nonprofit organizations’ infrastructures, strengthening their ability to focus on their missions.

Providing Leadership

Providing Leadership

The DCF is a resource, a connector, and a facilitator. We strive to understand our community as it evolves, call attention to important issues and trends, and bring people together to build opportunity for all.

Check out our
Annual Report


Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.