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Statement on Charlottesville

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There is much to say about America’s continuing challenge around race and hate, and once again, violence. But for now, simple clarity seems the best beginning. With that, DCF offers the following statement on the recent issues.

At the Delaware Community Foundation, we believe that quality of life is best when all of our neighbors have fair opportunities to thrive and prosper.

During the past several days, we have been saddened both by the exhibit of hate and violence in Charlottesville, as well as the vitriol of calls for exclusion and discrimination around the country. This path leads only to a less successful, less robust society.

We believe that Delaware, where our population is wonderfully diverse – racially, politically, and in many other ways – will not descend into this burgeoning hate.

And we will do all in our power to drive equity, inclusion and collaboration to foster the full flowering of our communities.

I also believe Delaware can play an important role in working on these issues. The incredible diversity of this state, and our history of working together, gives us an opportunity to lead. And we remain committed to being part of these discussions, and the search for more solutions.

We look forward to working with all Delawareans on the path to a fully inclusive and robust Delaware.