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“Runaway Princess: A Hopeful Tale of Heroin, Hooking and Happiness” to be Presented April 28 at Cape Henlopen High School

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Performance, Panel Discussion and “Take Action Fair” to Raise Awareness of the Increase in Human Trafficking in the County & State – Tickets On Sale Now 

The Fund for Women of Sussex County, in partnership with What Is Your Voice and Philanthropy Delaware, will present New York-based professional actor Mary Goggin in “Runaway Princess: A Hopeful Tale of Heroin, Hooking and Happiness”. The performance will take place on Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m. at Cape Henlopen High School. It will be followed by a panel of experts discussing what the public can do to help the crisis of human trafficking in the county and state.  

A “Take Action Fair” will be open before the performance, where non-profits and services in the state and county will be offering information to address this issue. 

Goggin wrote the one-woman show to highlight her journey to overcome adverse periods of her life. An actor for nearly 25 years, she has appeared in numerous stage productions, television series, films and commercials. She believes “Runaway Princess” is why she was born: to destigmatize addiction and all that goes with it and drive home the utmost importance of normalizing emotions to connect humanity.  

Sussex County and the State of Delaware are experiencing human trafficking in greater numbers as the conditions that are ripe for young girls to be taken advantage of by nefarious sources rise including poverty, addiction, abuse, lack of parental supervision, social media, and cyberbullying. According to the Human Trafficking Courts, in 2022 there were 16 cases of human trafficking in Delaware. Since the National Human Trafficking Hotline began in 2012, over 500 victims of trafficking have been identified in Delaware, which does not include cases experts believe are going unreported. 

Tickets to the event are $30 per person and a portion of the proceeds will go to various non-profits working to help girls after transitioning from a trafficking situation as they work to regain their lives and live independently.  

Sponsorships begin at $1,000 and are available for any business, organization, nonprofit or individual interested in helping tackle this growing and dangerous issue. For tickets, go to