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New Berberian Scholarship Will Help Del Tech Owens Students See The World

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Lewes resident Rozi Diane Berberian believed an international outlook and skills gives people a competitive edge in a culturally diverse world. During her life she spent countless hours and raised thousands of dollars to support overseas study for students of Delaware Technical Community College – Owens Campus. 

Rozi Berberian lost her fight against cancer in July 2020 at the age of 38. To honor her memory and further her work to build that international outlook, the Berberian family has established the Rambo Rozi Berberian Scholarship Fund at the Delaware Community Foundation to help Del Tech Owens Campus students who want to study abroad. The award will help offset travel costs and tuition for any short- or long-term study. 

“It meant a lot to Rozi,” said her husband, Jack Berberian. “We are both immigrants to the USA, and we have four girls that we want to set an example for with these types of causes.” 

Rozi immigrated to the United States from Armenia at the age of 6. She believed the perspective she gained from the experience was invaluable in all aspects of life. It was something she wanted to share with her own children and the community.  

The application for the scholarship opens on Dec. 15, 2022. Students at the Owens Campus will be able to apply through the DCF’s portal at Students will have until March 15, 2023 to complete their applications and will be notified of their award in May 2023 for travel in the summer of 2023 through the following spring of 2024.  

The family hopes to award two to three scholarships of $500 to $1,000 a year, starting in 2023. With good planning this fund is set to be eternal to honor Rambo Rozi. The fund was made possible by friends of the Berberian family and participants at Rozi’s remembrance event at Hudson Fields in 2020. 

Rozi was known for her dedication to her community and her family as well as her incredible bravery. She got the nickname “Rambo Rozi” from her friends for her fearlessness throughout her fight against cancer.  

Jack Berberian said he hopes some of that fearlessness will be transferred to others through the scholarship travel.  

“I think she would be proud of all of us and she would be happy that we are helping others get a jump start in life,” he said.   

The family also welcomes gifts to the fund at

To learn how you can establish a scholarship fund at the DCF, visit or contact Kelly Sheridan, 302.856.4393.