Kent County Nonprofits Receive $240K in Grants to Help Low-Income Residents

BACK: BJ Van Kavelaar & Gina Campo, Caring Hearts, Helping Hands; Lois Wilkinson, Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition; Valerie Miller, Milford Housing Development Corporation.
Not pictured: Jim Purcell, Communities in Schools of Delaware.
Caring Hearts Helping Hands, Inc. – $10,000: Caring Hearts Helping Hands, Inc. will provide support to low-income working families with food gift cards for the holidays.
Communities in Schools of Delaware, Inc. – $30,000: Communities in Schools of Delaware will partner with the Food Bank of Delaware, Goodwill, NCALL, Westside Health and several other local nonprofits to coordinate a continuum of care for students in need and their families.
Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition– $40,000: Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition. will provide immediate financial assistance to Kent County residents in need who are undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Bilingual applications are being created.
Delaware Guidance Services for Children and Youth, Inc. – $50,000: A Delaware Guidance Clinician will be located within with Nemours Pediatrics in Dover to provide coordinated care and ongoing therapy for low-income children, with an emphasis on early intervention.
Food Bank of Delaware– $30,000: The Food Bank will partner with Banneker and South Dover Elementary schools to operate the Backpack Program, which will provide backpacks filled with meals during weekends and school breaks for children with the greatest need.
Milford Housing Development Corporation (MHDC) – $40,000: MHDC will partner with Modern Maturity Center and Catholic Charities to provide free emergency home repairs to eliminate unexpected and immediate threats to life, health and safety for low-income homeowners.
National Council on Agricultural Life and Research Fund (NCALL) – $40,000: NCALL will partner with the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance to provide a plan for crisis and emergency assistance for residents in the Restoring Central Dover plan area.