Kent County High School Students Form Youth Philanthropy Board
Twenty Kent County high school seniors and juniors will experience the joys and challenges of being philanthropists this year through the Delaware Community Foundation’s Youth Philanthropy Board (YPB).
Middle Row – Kaitlyn Pokorny, Meghan Yerkes, Joanna Petrosky, Katie Richardson, Jordan Resh
Front Row – Christie Little, Otis Winding, Dyshere Logan, Jeff Kidner, Jack Kidner
Not pictured – Andrew Stant
Like its counterparts in New Castle and Sussex County, the Kent County YPB includes students from public, private and parochial schools. The DCF gives the Kent County students $10,000 to award to local charities. The students work together to choose a focus area, solicit and review grant applications, conduct site visits, and decide how to distribute the money to have the greatest impact.
Grant applications will be available at in November and due in January.
“The DCF sponsors the Youth Philanthropy Boards every year to engage Delaware’s next generation of philanthropists and nonprofit leaders,” said Rebecca Elzey, DCF Senior Vice President for Central Delaware. “The students see the needs in their communities and work hard to find ways to prioritize and address those needs. It makes a tremendous impact on the students.”
2015-16 Kent County YPB
Student Grade School
Cassidy Bennetti Junior Dover High School
Maura Gast Senior Dover High School
Brielle Hermstedt Junior Milford High School
Jason Kalaygian Senior Milford High School
Jeff Kidner Junior Red Lion Christian Academy
Jack Kidner Junior Red Lion Christian Academy
Christie Little Junior Lake Forest High School
Dyshere Logan Junior Caesar Rodney High School
Stephanie Lynn Senior Lake Forest High School
Justin Nash Junior Smyrna High School
Liam O’Connor Senior Caesar Rodney High School
Joanna Petrosky Senior St. Thomas More Academy
Kaitlyn Pokorny Junior Calvary Christian Academy
Jordan Resh Senior Dover High School
Katie Richardson Senior Polytech High School
Therese Sadusky Junior St. Thomas More Academy
Andrew Stant Senior Caesar Rodney High School
Henry Stephan Junior Polytech High School
Otis Winding Junior Calvary Christian Academy
Meghan Yearkes Junior Smyrna High School