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DCF Welcomes New Data Analyst Deborah Burton

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The Delaware Community Foundation welcomes Deborah Burton as our new data analyst.

This new position is part of the DCF’s expansion of its statewide community engagement role, helping the community develop and pursue a civic agenda to achieve a shared vision for Delaware’s future.

In the data analyst position, Burton will help create system protocols, reports and analyses of information resident within the foundation, including in the new DCF Indicator Project, which will be launched this fall. She also will act as a resource for the foundation’s community knowledge and funds development initiatives.

Burton, who has more than 15 years of private- and public-sector management experience, specializes in objectively analyzing data to help communities and agencies achieve needed social change through collaboration. She developed strong data analysis and computer skills through her work at the Delaware Division of Public Health and, most recently, at the Delaware Division of Libraries, where she worked with community indicator data to help libraries throughout the state maximize the relevance of their programs.

The daughter of an Army chaplain, Burton brings a wealth of experience with and knowledge of military families, veterans, social services, poverty, seniors, abuse, crime victims, mental health, and even animal welfare.

“Deborah will play a critical role in the foundation’s expanded mission to use objective data and information to help the community focus its resources on the greatest needs and opportunities,” DCF President and CEO Fred Sears said. “She is a knowledgeable individual with great relationships and a real commitment to Delaware.”
