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DCF Team Members Expand Philanthropic Advisement Expertise by Earning Chartered Advisory in Philanthropy® Designations

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The Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) is pleased to announce that Joan Hoge-North, vice president of philanthropy, and Rebecca Elzey, senior philanthropy officer, have earned Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (CAP®) designations from the American College of Financial Services.

The knowledge Hoge-North and Elzey gained through the CAP program will improve the DCF’s ability to partner with donors in thoughtful, personal and strategic discussions about what matters most to them, and to work with them and their professional advisors to craft a legacy that will pass to their heirs and benefit their community.

The CAP designation is a graduate level certificate program that promotes philanthropic ideals within the financial services profession and brings together financial, tax and legal professionals with nonprofit leaders to help donors make the biggest impact in their communities through their charitable giving.  

This fall, Hoge-North and Elzey will partner with two other regional community foundations to host new local cohort in a CAP study group. The DCF is pleased announce that the cohort will include Jeffrey A. Kowalczyk, CPA, CFE, CGAP, partner at Barbacane, Thornton & Company, LLP; Justin Rodstrom, CFRE, director of major gifts at Delaware State University; Mike Staman, MSPFP, CFP®, vice president and senior financial consultant at Schwab; and Mike DiPaolo, the DCF’s vice president for Southern Delaware.  

The DCF plans to launch the first all-Delaware study group in the fall of 2022 to assist additional local philanthropic and financial professionals in pursuit of their CAP® designation, leading to a stronger philanthropic community in Delaware.

To learn more about giving through the DCF or about participating in the CAP® program and study group, contact Rebecca Elzey at [email protected] or 302.504.5234.