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DCF Scholarships Available for 2024-2025 School Year

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Delaware students are invited to apply for scholarships available through the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF). The deadline to apply is March 15, 2024. 

Last year, the DCF awarded $483,450 in scholarships, helping 177 students throughout the state pursue post-secondary education. Students can apply for most scholarships by completing a single online application, available at

On the website, students can review all criteria and award amounts before beginning the application process. Candidates also can view the DCF Scholarship Compendium, with information on all available scholarships. 

The online application system guides applicants through a series of questions to determine which scholarships they may be eligible for. Students are automatically considered for every scholarship for which they meet the minimum criteria. 

There is no cap on the number of scholarships or the amount students may receive. Funding from many of the scholarships may be applied to the costs of textbooks and fees, in addition to tuition. Some are one-time awards, and others are renewable. 

“Many of our donors who care about education choose to create scholarship funds to help students and their families with rising college costs,” DCF President & CEO Stuart Comstock-Gay said. “Our goal is to empower people who care about education with people who are engaged about their futures.”  

For more information, contact Kelly Sheridan, 302.856.4393 or [email protected]