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DCF to launch on Oct. 19

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The Delaware Community Foundation will launch the new publicly accessible website, the cornerstone of the new DCF Community Indicator Project.

The purpose of is to:

— Present an accurate, unbiased picture of our community.
— Prompt discussions amongst community members, leaders, and organizations.
— Provide data to better target funding toward emerging challenges or community priorities.
— Serve as a growing platform to encourage further research into community needs. (which will go live Oct. 19) will provide an objective assessment of Delaware’s performance on key indicators of quality logof life and well-being, including social, economic, and environmental measures.

The data and analyses can help decision-makers, funders and all community members identify communities’ relative weaknesses and strengths, set priorities, evaluate program outcomes, track progress over time, compare regional trends and foster community dialogue.

As an objective, apolitical, nonprofit organization, the DCF aspires to help the community use the data and knowledge at to develop a data-driven, statewide civic agenda and align actions and resources for community benefit.

This is the first comprehensive statewide community profile project in Delaware. Many other communities have undertaken indicator initiatives. Community foundations often lead these initiatives to facilitate dialog and action to improve their residents’ quality of life.

Other community foundations with community profiles include:


When & Where:   

Monday, Oct. 19, 2015
Media personnel, please RSVP with location to [email protected].

The DCF will launch at two locations:

Baby Grand, Wilmington
8-8:30 registration; 8:30-9:30 program
With remarks by:
— Gov. Jack Markell and
— Domenico Grasso, Provost, University of Delaware

Theater – Arts & Sciences Center,
Delaware Technical & Community College – Owens Campus, Georgetown
1:30-2 p.m. registration; 2-3 p.m. program
With remarks by:
— Alan Levin, former director, Delaware Economic Development Office, and
— Lynnette Overby, Chair, Community Engagement Commission, University of Delaware 


Gov. Jack Markell (Wilmington only)

Fred C. Sears II, DCF President & CEO

Marilyn Rushworth Hayward, Chair, DCF Board of Directors

Domenico Grasso (Wilmington only)

Alan Levin (Georgetown only)

Lynnette Overby (Georgetown only)

Erika Rosenberg, Principal, Center of Foundation/a>
