Grantee Publicity Guidelines

Help us highlight your success!

Sharing the faces and stories touched by our grants will help donors, potential funders and the community better understand and connect with your work, and build positive publicity for what you are doing. The following communication guidelines will assist you with these promotions.

Required Language

In all materials, describe your funding as “a grant from the Delaware Community Foundation.” When applicable, please acknowledge the individual fund that made your grant possible as well as the DCF. The name of the funds that provided your grant are listed in your grant agreement.

The XYZ project was made possible by a grant from the Arsht-Cannon Fund at the Delaware Community Foundation.

Logos and Website Link

We encourage you to include the DCF’s official logo where appropriate in sharing news about this grant and the program or project it supports. Using the link in the caption, please download the logo below for your website (feel free to link the graphic to our website:, printed materials and other documents.

Download logo

Social Media

Spread the word about your project through your social media channels! You can tag the DCF on LinkedInFacebook, and Instagram.

News Releases

Promote your project with a news release to the local media. Below is a sample press release to help get you started. If you’re inviting the media out to cover your project or event, invite us too by sending the information to Mari Pack.

Help Us Highlight Your Work

We often feature stories of our grantees through our social media, website, newsletters and annual report. We invite you to send us high-resolution .jpg photos of work this grant supports. A few sentences giving some context to the photo would be helpful, and of course, your name and contact information.

Make sure any participants who appear in the photo have appropriate media release documents (if you need a standard photo release form, let us know).

Questions? Contact Yolanda Rushdan, Community Impact Program Officer, at [email protected] or 302.504.5239.

Sample Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sussex Tech grant to fund Spanish-English GED classes
September 4, 2019

About 50 Spanish-speaking Sussex County residents will have the opportunity to earn their GEDs, thanks to a grant recently received by Sussex Technical School District’s Adult Education Division.

The $24,850 grant from the Delaware Community Foundation’s Focus Grant program will provide support to launch the initiative in September. Sussex Tech is partnering with La Colectiva, a network of nonprofit and educational organizations aiding Sussex County Latino families.

“Earning a high school diploma or GED opens doors to our adult learners across Sussex County, creating a pathway to employment and economic sustainability,” said Principal Linda Eklund of the James H. Groves Adult High School’s Sussex Center. “We want to help English-language learners move into postsecondary education and training, obtain better employment, and improve their families’ lives. We appreciate the support from the Delaware Community Foundation in this important initiative.”

The program is operated by the James H. Groves Adult High School, which offers opportunities for adult learners to earn their high school diploma or GED, as well as English as a Second Language classes, at eight sites in Sussex County.

Sussex Tech’s Adult Education Division will offer integrated academic instruction concurrently in Spanish and English, helping English-language learners with reading, writing, speaking and mathematics in English. As they become GED-ready, students will be able to take reading, science, social studies and math courses in either Spanish or English, and career counseling will also be provided. Students will also acquire skills in digital literacy, financial literacy, civics and citizenship, and workforce preparedness.

Students will be recruited from various partner organizations across the county. The program will begin in September and conclude in August 2020. For more information, call 302-856-9035.

About the Delaware Community Foundation: The mission of the Delaware Community Foundation is to improve the lives of the people of Delaware by empowering and growing philanthropy through knowledge and relationships, now and in the future. As a facilitator, information resource and manager of charitable funds, the DCF helps communities and philanthropists focus charitable resources for the greatest community benefit statewide. For more information, visit or call 302.571.8004.