

At the Delaware Community Foundation,
our focus is on supporting our community.

At the Delaware Community Foundation, our focus is on building opportunity and advancing equity. We do this in three key ways:

  • Helping Donors – We partner with generous people to help them achieve their charitable goals and maximize the impact of their giving, by managing charitable funds and administering grants.
  • Making Grants – Through our direct grant programs, we identify and invest in nonprofits’ most powerful work to serve the people of Delaware. 
  • Providing Leadership – We inspire, convene and facilitate conversations about important community issues, shining a light on opportunities to make a difference.

Who We Serve

Donors & Fundholders
Scholarship Seekers
Professional Advisors

Donors & Fundholders

The DCF has the expertise and resources you need to achieve your charitable goals, maximizing both impact and tax advantages. We help donors like you establish charitable funds and award grants to benefit causes you care about.



We are passionate about Delaware’s diverse communities, from Selbyville to Claymont. We connect leaders from nonprofits, government and the private sector to explore our communities’ assets and challenges, shining a light on important issues and opportunities to drive lasting change.



The DCF helps nonprofit organizations by awarding grants, managing endowed funds, and providing community events and activities that build knowledge and relationships. More than 180 nonprofits organizations have funds at the DCF, which strengthens their financial stability, empowers them to accept complex charitable gifts, and instills confidence in their donors.


Scholarship Seekers

Thanks to our donors, the DCF awards hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships each year. Scholarships help lay the groundwork for a more equitable and prosperous Delaware for the future.


Professional Advisors

We partner with professional advisors who want to help their clients achieve their charitable goals and maximize tax advantages, both during their lifetimes and through their estate planning. By providing highly personalized service, the DCF strengthens and reinforces the advisor-client relationship.


Our Impact

In the past year, the DCF:

Helped 600+ fundholders give charitably

Welcomed 50 new fundholders

Invested $30,419,900 in the community through 2,076 grants

Awarded the final grants from the COVID-19 Strategic Response Fund, totaling $5,300,000

Awarded $408,388 in scholarships to 142 students

Currently at the DCF

Dr. Jennifer Fuqua Joins Delaware Community Foundation as Director of Community Partnerships & Hispanic Initiatives

Dr. Jennifer Fuqua Joins DCF as Director of Community Partnerships & Hispanic Initiatives

The Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) has named Dr. Jennifer Fuqua to a newly created role as Director of Community Partnerships & Hispanic Initiatives. Serving as a point person for a …
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Next Gen South at the DCF.

Next Gen South Awards 2025 Grant Recipients

The Next Generation – Southern Delaware (Next Gen South) at the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) proudly awards $5,000 grants to Beebe Medical Foundation and Delaware Futures. Beebe Medical…
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Highmark Delaware Invests More Than $1,400,000 in Third Quarter

Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware (Highmark Delaware) is pleased to announce $1,406,800 in BluePrints for the Community investments have been awarded for the third quarter of 2024. The…
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The DCF connects with Delaware communities’ FUTURE needs, devises mechanisms to satisfy those needs, and then skillfully enables those who want to do good to proceed as they wish.

— Adly & Sheila Gorrafa, Gorrafa Family Charitable Funds

The DCF is an important partner in our philanthropic work in Delaware. They help us maximize our impact on the health and well-being of people throughout the First State.

– Nick Moriello, president, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware

Being a supporting organization of the DCF is like having a support net. They have been a wonderful resource for us and a great partner.

— Susan Budinger, Rodel

Working with the Delaware Community Foundation, I’m able to do the charitable work I want to do without the administrative costs and responsibility of a private foundation.

— Louise Cummings, who established the Ballard Community Fund at the DCF in memory of her husband, the late Corporal Stephen Ballard

The DCF takes the hassle out of philanthropic giving, leaving the ‘fun part’ for the donor. They simplified everything.

— Ed Wilchinski, Roy Klein Education Fund

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