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Our Lens Challenge: High School Students Invited to Share Photos Highlighting Delaware Communities

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Delaware high school students are invited to participate in the Our Lens Challenge, an opportunity for Delaware youth to share their unique perspectives on Delaware’s communities.

Students in grades 9-12 are invited to capture and submit a photograph that represents what makes their town or community unique or beautiful. Submission deadline is 5 p.m. on Oct. 15. Winners will be notified by Oct. 22.

In the spirit of James and Deborah Fallows’ journey across America, and leading up to their visit to Delaware in November for the Delaware Community Foundation (DCF) Building Opportunity Keynote, the Our Lens Challenge is inspiring young people statewide to share the pride, spirit and story of Delaware.

Submissions will become a part of a statewide photojournal showcasing what young Delawareans find inspiring about their towns.

Up to five top contributors will have the opportunity to meet bestselling authors, James and Deborah Fallows, authors of Our Towns: A 100,000 Mile Journey into the Heart of America. These students will each receive a $100 Amazon gift card and be honored at the Nov. 6 Building Opportunity Keynote event, where their work will be featured.

More information, a series of YouTube videos about the Our Lens Challenge – including tips on capturing and submitting a great photo – and a link to submit entries, visit

The DCF is supporting the Our Lens Challenge in partnership with Dual School, 4 Youth Productions and University of Delaware’s Human Development and Family Sciences Department, Horn Entrepreneurship, and the Partnership for Arts and Culture.